Friday, June 10, 2011

I love Summer!

Just a few highlights of my summer thus far...
1. Afternoon naps with my husband. (I love family medicine rotation. LOVE it. It's not too late to change your mind, hunny.)

2. Taking Bennett on his very first fishing excursion. (No, we didn't catch anything.)

3. Laying out - laying out with rachel; laying out with Kerri; laying out with Mom; laying out. And wearing lots of sunscreen.

4. Memorial Weekend in Chi Chi Ta and everything it entailed: Africa shopping with Sis and Sass, eating way more than my fair share of Rice Krispie Treats, and lots of Nerts playing.

5. Our long weekend in Henryetta and everything it entailed: Harley ride with dad, birthday dinners, shooting guns, burning brush, and lots of other things that can only be done in Henryetta.

6. And did I mention tons of time with my husband? I love family medicine rotation.

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